Garden Update: March
““I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.”
So it begins! The Spring equinox has come and gone. It’s like the ribbon was cut and race has started. I spent two days potting up spring garden plants! The weather was amazing, so much so I put on my garden skirt and hat, and walked barefoot in the grass.
As I began to tease apart the intertwined cabbage seedings my garden partner asked, “do you think we seeded too many cabbages?” I smirked and replied, “Do you want two crocks of sauerkraut this year?” He nodded yes and I said, “Then we need minimum 18 cabbages”. That’s right you read correctly, 18 ! Want to see how we make saurkraut start to finish? Check out this post: “From Cabbage to Sauerkraut”.
I worked my way through many dozens of pots, washing them, sun drying, hydrating our potting soil and finally filling them and potting up the seedlings.
I’m not sure anything (except new born babies) can fill you with more joy about the future than potting up plants on warm spring day with slight breeze and gentile buzz of bees.
The only thing that kind of broke the enchanted moment were the wasps who came to check out the steak we had cut up lunch. Did you know wasps love protien? Always make sure to have a baseball cap around when eating meat outside. Wasps love meat and hat baseball caps.
The Garlic is all up! Check this post from last year to see a full garlic growing picture. I even found garlic coming up in the small garden where I had forgotten I tucked some in the beds!
Soon we’ll be eating greens again. I cannot wait. Store bought greens, even the organic ones, pale in comparison to fresh living greens right off the plant. I often opt to just freeze some kale so I can throw that in soups or mix with mashed potatoes instead of buyign store bought greens. Around this time though I end up caving and buying a head of lettuce.
Kale, chard, lettuce, spinach, radishes and soon kohlrabi! Throw in some storage carrots, which are still sweet and crisp and you’ve got a spectacular salad. What are your favorite greens? Leave a comment below!
Last but not least, I seeded many new medicinal herbs to add to the herb garden. Some of them are arnica, motherwort, meadowsweet, calendula, angelica, a hard to find variety of lavender, and a variety of lemon balm with a mandarian note. I thought that might made a wonderful addition to sun teas as an alternative to the normal lemon-y flavor.
Do you grow any herbs? Let me know favorite is in the comments!