Get Your Feet Sandal-Ready with These 5 Easy Tips
Another weekend of beautiful weather means I got to spend it outside. I hope that you are having beautiful weather where you live. With beautiful weather comes barefoot season. I'm betting your feet like mine, haven't seen the sun since October. Before summer sandal season officially starts here are a couple of foot care tips you can do to pamper your feet and getting them looking their best.
How to Get Your Feet Perfect for Sandals with 4 Simple Tips
It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a guy, young or old, these tips will make your feet feel so happy. After all your feet carry you everywhere, so why not make them feel great! Plus wedding season and graduations season are coming, you want to have healthy feet for standing a lot. And all of my fellow nature and camping enthusiast, these tips will help keep for feet healthy all summer long.
Start with some foot yoga or basic foot exercises. This sounds funny but trust me you will be amazed at how much tension is held in your feet. This tutorial is a great place to start.
Get sun on your feet everyday. Sit by a window and have your morning tea or coffee and let the sun warm your feet. Getting 20 minutes of early sunlight (when you can get the most beneficial infrared light) everyday is really helpful for stimulating cell growth and turn over. UV is helpful for discouraging any fungal activity that may have started. Really great for feet that have been covered by socks and boots all winter.
Home Spa Day. When it's finally warm enough to pull out your favorite sandals or open toed shoes give yourself a foot soak and pedicure. If you've never done a foot soak it's super easy. You can pick up an herbal foot soap in the Pantry. I also recommend having a home pedicure set, it comes with lot of help full tools to help your nails and feet look their best. And get a pumice stone. It's best to do the foot soak then the pedicure so your nails and skin are softer and easier to clip and exfoliate.
Use an herbal foot balm everyday to help your skin stay soft and supple. There's nothing worse than doing all this foot care just to end up at the end of the day with a crack in your heel.
I hope these tips are helpful. If you have questions, comments or tips you want me know about leave them in the comment below.