
Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Garden Update: February

Garden Update: February

I seeded a new to me medicinal herb back at the new year and it just came up! The seeds are so incredibly tiny you just sprinkle them on the top of the soil and press them down. Say hello to the tinest baby seedings of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium):

tiny feverfew seedings in six celled potting trays

It’s very hard to believe that these tiny sprouts will grow up to become large sprawling bushes full of flowers, if I plant then and care for them correctly. What is feverfew you might ask? It’s a member of the daisy family Asteraceae and looks very similar to chamomile. I’m growing it to experiment with is migraine and headache soothing properties. it has many more amazing attributes, so look for a Plant Allies post about it coming in the spring time as I learn more about it.

As for the rest of plants we started last month they are doing splendidly! We’ve been sneaking little leaves of lettuce and spinach here and there. They are growing so fast and it’s still hard to be patient.

kale and red lettuce under grow lights

Next to be planted will be all the brassicas. My favorites are kohlrabi and broccoli. Fresh broccoli leaves can be eaten raw or sautéed like spinach. It’s really yummy mixed with potatoes. I’ll have a recipe up in the spring for how I like to prepare greens.

Kohlrabi is definitely one of those underrated plants. It looks weird and inaccessible but once you’ve carved off all the leaves and woody skin you are left with something much like a mix between a broccoli stem and a radish. They are one of my favorite cold snacks in the early to mid summer eaten raw. They hardly make it into warm meals as I tend to munch on the pieces I prepared for our meal while I’m preparing the meal…

What are your favorite brassicas? Have you started seedings yet? Share down below.

Rose and Damiana Chocolate Bark

Rose and Damiana Chocolate Bark

My favorite childhood soap memory

My favorite childhood soap memory