Happy Thanksgiving!
All but the most stubborn leaves have fallen from the trees here. Last weekend my oldest daughter and I spent time outside raking up the leaves in our yard mulching them up with the lawn mower to go into the compost pile. For the time with spent with her, and the free gift of mulch, I am very grateful.
When my girls were little, every November first I would bring out some water color paper and paint and we would paint the paper the color of autumn leaves. Then when the paper was dry we’d cut out the paper in the shape of different leaves. Every evening for the month of November we would say one thing we were grateful for and I would write it on the back of the leaves. I thought I would share a few things I am grateful for this year with you:
All you wonderful followers, customers and community members who purchase my soap and help support this budding little business.
The spectacular harvest of pie pumpkins we had this year, 43 in total!
For the cold weather and buttered rum season (recipe to come soon).
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with friends, family, food and lots of laughter. May it be a day where people from both sides of the isle get together and just enjoy all that they have in that moment.
Happy Thanksgiving!