
Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Harvest Time or Harvest Thyme

Harvest Time or Harvest Thyme

It’s the end of August and the garden is full of plant life. The light has changed and days are shortening. The plants can tell as the race to ripen fruits and put out more leaves and bloom as many flowers as possible.

The amount of drying herbs in my house is staggering. I’ve actually run out of jars to keep them all in. I recently had to run out and get more jars.

The garden has taken on a complete life of it’s own. The vining plants are trailing here and there in complete disregard for where I intended them to go. This the time where it takes two or three people to keep up with weeding, harvesting, and food preservation. There’s nothing like knowing winter is coming to keep you on your toes and putting away food.

organic sustainably homegrown produce | nettlesome.life

In my baskets, you’ll see food staples like dried beans, tomatoes and squash. I also grow lots of edible flowers that also have medicinal and nutritional properties, such as nasturtiums, calendula and marigolds.

organic sustainably homegrown beans and squash | nettlesome.life
organic sustainably homegrown produce | nettlesome.life

Do you have garden? Or maybe you go to the farmers market or a local roadside stand. Tell me in the comments below, what you’ve been harvesting or eating the most of this summer.

Hand Knit Washing Cloths

Hand Knit Washing Cloths

Harvesting and Dry Herbs

Harvesting and Dry Herbs