The Birth of a New Garden
There is something incredibly powerful about planting a garden. Preparing new ground is like opening a book. The smell of freshly dug earth mixed with the verdant scent of cut grasses and weeds permeates the air all around you. When you are just starting out, planting a garden is often quite easy. You might just put down some cardboard, build a 4x4 ft bed from 2x4’s, and fill it with a bag of compost.
At this point in my life, starting a new garden is very different. I’ve had 5 different gardens in the last ten years and I’ve learned an incredible amount about gardening. Yet it’s just a drop in the bucket, because every new space is completely different from the last. You have new light, water, and soil issues to figure out. Your new space will have different micro-climates and you maybe in a completely new gardening zone.
This time around I have grass and weeds and giant trees to deal with. However, I am pretty sure this is going to be one of the best gardens yet! I’ve got help from a very knowledgeable friend who should probably become a garden/farm designer one day. With just over 400 sq ft. of bed space to work with, I’ll be able to grow more food than I’ve ever grown before.
I hope you’ll follow along on this journey as I dig, till, build and grow in it.