New Summer Soaps — The Nettlesome Life


Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Three New Soaps!

Three New Soaps!

Ok, I am super doper (that’s right I pulled that right out of the 90’s) excited to announce that there are two new soaps in the shop and one on the way! The Climber, The Nettlesome, and Summer Days!

I brought all of these to a festival I recently had a booth at and they went like hot cakes. To learn more about each soap and get one for yourself, click on the bold name.

The Climber is scented with Copiaba a tree resin esstinial oil that is earthy and sweet and reminiscent of the smell of rocks and sage brush. I called this “The Climber” as it reminds me of the rocks around here that all the climbers practice on.

The Nettlesome is a soap that has taken way too long to come to fruition. This is probably my favorite of all my soaps. I used plantain oil that I made from wild crafted plantain (the garden is over run with them) and dyed it green with nettle powder. The scent is a heavenly sweet basil. I’ve added a little line of powdered dandelion root to add to earthiness.

Note: I sold out of the Nettlesome soap before I could post it in the shop. There is currently a second batch curing, so stay tuned for the newsletter letting you know when it’s up in the shop.

Summer Days is all about flowers! This soap is made with calendula petals I grew in my garden last summer. The only scent is from the resinous petals. It has a bright, fresh, flowery scent.

Try some new scents while they last!

Summer Solstice Soap Sale!

Summer Solstice Soap Sale!

Making a Woad Dye

Making a Woad Dye