Special Rose Box

Special Rose Box


Rose & chocolate are the go to gift for people in love. Why not try something a little different this year, roses and chocolate with a twist?! Pamper yourself or your special someone with luxurious bar of soap and foot bath. Our hands and body get lots of attention, that’s why I made a skin soothing rose and chocolate soap, but our feet so rarely get cared for and they support us for our whole lives. Tell your special someone you want them to slow down just for a while and make a foot soak bath for them. Tell them to close their eyes and relax letting all their stress flow out through their feet.

This box includes:

  • 1 bar of Rose & Chocolate Soap

  • 1- 10oz bag of handcrafted rose foot soak

Foot Soak ingredients: Epsom salt, baking soda, rose absolute, wild harvest rose petals.

How to use the foot soak:

  • Fill a large dish pan or basin with very warm but not hot water. Enough to cover feet to the ankles

  • add 1-2 tablespoons of foot soak to the water

  • mix into the water until salts dissolve

  • put your feet in and enjoy until you are done or the water goes cold

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